Not to toot my own horn but I called this. The records are impressive but the human toll is enormous and not even close to worth it. And this isn't the last of it, it's just the beginning. We've passed into a climate that is capable of mass casualty heat events and it will only become clearer as time marches on.
Then again...there is a section of society that doesn't value elders ( other than their own) as proven by the resistance to any and all covid restrictions, vaccines and the like. So this mass casualty event will be swept under the rug as these lives held little value to those people.
If these poor people who died were children, you'd be seeing a massive uproar right now. That day might not be too far off, but for now I guess we can comfort ourselves that were not old enough to get fried alive.
I'm pretty bitter about all of this. Maybe time to just realize that no amount of bitter will change the hard reality that this is our new normal and it is what it is. Get tough or get out. Darwinism in its least ethical and moral sense.